Symetra Tour Florida’s Natural Charity Classic - Caddy: Sophie Hausmann
Location: Country Club of Winter Haven
R1 | R2 | R3 | Score | POS |
74(+2) | 75(+3) | 72(E) | 221(+5) | T25th/132 |
1 - 74(+2); 28 putts; 86 putting feet; 8 GIR; 9/14 FIR; 6/10 up and downs (1/3 chip saves, 1/2 sand save, 3/3 Putt Saves, 1/2 AllWorld); 2 Birdies; 4 Bogeys; on reachable par 5’s — 0/4 Birdie All World; 0/4 on in two); 2 Penalty Shots; 0/3 Bounce Back Birdies
Rd. 2 - 75(+3); 28 putts; 66 putting feet; 9 GIR; 9/14 FIR; 6/9 up and downs (2/2 chip saves, 4/4 Putt Saves, 0/2 AllWorld, 0/1 Pitch Saves); 1 Double Bogey; 2 Birdies; 3 Bogeys; on reachable par 5’s — 1/2 Birdie All World; 0/1 Birdie Pitch Save; 0/1 Birdie Sand Save; 0/1 on in two); 1 Penalty Shots; 2/4 Bounce Back Birdies
Rd. 3 - 72(E); 25 putts; 53 putting feet; 7 GIR; 9/14 FIR; 7/11 up and downs (3/3 chip saves, 4/5 Putt Saves, 0/3 AllWorld); 4 Birdies; 4 Bogeys; on reachable par 5’s — 1/1 Birdie All World; 1/1 Birdie Pitch Save; 1/1 Birdie Chip Saves; 0/1 on in two); 1 Penalty Shot; 0/3 Bounce Back Birdies
Avg. - 73.67; 27 putts; 68.33 putting feet; 8 GIR; 9/14 FIR; 19/30 (63%) up and downs (6/8 chip saves, 1/2 sand save, 11/12 putt save, 1/7 All world, 0/1 pitch save); 8 Birdies; 11 Bogeys; 1 Double; 4 Penalty Shots; on reachable par 5’s — 1/2 Birdie pitch save, 2/4 Birdie Chip Saves; 2/7 Birdie All World; 0/1 Birdie Sand save; 0/6 on in two); 2/10 Bounce Back Birdies