Symetra Tour Mission Inn Resort & Club Championship - Caddy: Sophie Hausmann

Date: Oct. 15, 2020 - Oct. 17, 2020
Location: Mission Inn - El Campeón (Howey-in-the-Hills, FL)
R1 R2 R3 Score POS
77(+4) 72(-1) 70(-3) 219(E) T16th/84

Rd. 1 - 77(+4); 33 putts; 55 putting feet; 11 GIR; 11/14 FIR; 3/7 up and downs (2/3 chip saves, 1/1 putt saves, 0/2 pitch saves, 0/1 All world); 1 Birdies; 3 Bogeys, 1 Double; on par 5’s — (1/2 on in two; 0/1 Birdie pitch saves; 0/2 Birdie Wedge saves; 0/1 Birdie All World; 0/4 Bounce Back Birdies; 1 P.S.
Rd. 2 - 72(-1); 28 putts; 88 putting feet; 11 GIR; 10/14 FIR; 5/7 up and downs (1/2 sand saves, 1/1 chip saves; 3/3 putt save, 0/1 pitch saves); 3 Birdies; 2 Bogeys; on par 5’s — (0/1 Birdie All World; 1/4 Birdie Wedges); 0/2 Bounce Back Birdies
Rd. 3 - 70(-3); 30 putts; 90 putting feet; 16 GIR; 10/14 FIR; 1/2 up and downs (1/2 chip saves); 4 Birdies; 1 Bogey; on par 5’s — (1/1 Birdie Chip Save, 2/3 Birdie Wedge saves; 0/1 Birdie Sand save; 0/2 on in two; 0/1 Bounce Back Birdies; 1 Penalty Shot
Avg./Totals - 73 (E); 30.33 putts; 77.67 putting feet; 10.33/14 (74%) FIR; 12.67/18 (70%) GIR; 9/16 (56%) up and downs [4/6 (67%) chip saves, 4/4 (100%) putt saves; 1/2 sand saves (50%); 0/3 pitch saves (0%); 0/1 All World; 8 (2.67/round) Birdies; 6 (2/round) Bogeys; 1 Dbl. (.33/rd.); on par 5’s — (1/4 on in two; 0/1 Birdie pitch saves; 0/1 Birdie Sand Save; 0/2 Birdie All World; 3/9 Birdie Wedges; 1/1 Birdie chip saves; 0/7 Bounce Back Birdies; two P.S.

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